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Center for Non-Profits (Basement)
Mark Palma from Wisconsin will be our guest demonstrator on Oct 12. Saturday‘s all day demo will be about finishing, with maybe a little something about carbide tools thrown in.
He also will teach an all day class on Sunday on finishing. Attached you will find 2 documents from Mark. One is just a short introduction to the Saturday demo. The second is a sort of syllabus of the Sunday class for those who are taking it. Note what you need to bring to the class.
Lunch will be provided for both days for $15 each day. If you want to have a lunch brought in for you, let me know. Even if you signed up this past Saturday for the lunches, let me know here please so we can have an accurate headcount.
The cost of the class on Sunday is $40. You can pay that at the Saturday meeting. If you have already signed up for the class, I have your name and your spot is reserved. If you haven‘t signed up and want to attend, drop me a line.
If you have any questions, don‘t hesitate to reach out.
David Morris