Published On 9/18/2024
Mark Palma from Wisconsin will be our guest demonstrator on Oct 12. Saturday's all day demo will be about finishing, with maybe a little something about carbide tools thrown in.
He also will teach an all day class on Sunday on finishing. Attached you will find 2 documents from Mark. One is just a short introduction to the Saturday demo. The second is a sort of syllabus of the Sunday class for those who are taking it. Note what you need to bring to the class.
Lunch will be provided for both days for $15 each day. If you want to have a lunch brought in for you, let me know. Even if you signed up this past Saturday for the lunches. The cost of the class on Sunday is $40. You can pay that at the Saturday meeting. If you have already signed up for the class, I have your name and your spot is reserved. If you haven't signed up and want to attend, drop me a line.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact David Morris at 479-320-9000