Stateline Woodturners 2/8/25 Club Meeting
To meet added expenses we need to raise more funds. Ideas mentioned include increasing membership (currently at 60) via more PR including public demonstrations (Rogers Wellness Center), have members donate items that could be sold, promote donations (will or charitable), or other forms of fund raising.
Tom Anderson is now acting as a greeter at club meetings, and everyone should assist in making everyone feel welcome.
J. Paul Fenell will be April 12 meeting presenter and offering a Sunday class for 6 where a hollow green maple blank will be turned in the morning and pierced in the afternoon.
Show and Tell
Pauline Stutsman showed a stained glass lamp she built to sit over an Eidson style light and talked about the tools and process she used.
Bill Clift brought a Cherry bowl he made on his Jet lathe finished with oil and beeswax, and a walnut bowl made on his new Powermatic lathe. He thanked those that helped him decide to make the jump to the Powermatic.
Frank Emeterio brought a live edge bowl – onion skin Oak burl (he thinks) where there was no end grain. He described filling cavities with used coffee grounds (fresh are too dry) and superglue. Recommendations were also made for used K-Cups since they are a fine ground.
Bring Back Raffle
John Adams name was drawn first and chose a Cedar blank brought in by Frank Emeterio..
Memorial Photo Books
Randy Wright passed around a memorial photo book that Thurman had made for Roger Marvin’s wife, since he is terminally ill. He would like to see this start as a tradition, though suggested that the funding be kept separate from club finances. The cost was about $40.
Top Spinning Contest
Great fun was had by all spinning and watching spinners show off their tops. Channel 5 should have some coverage on the 10:00 evening news. Randy read the rules, Steve Jeffcoat served as the judge, Bill Pope and John Harris were timers, and Ray Taylor kept records in a spreadsheet. Awards were made for the three longest times in the following categories:
Youth: Abby Bowles andCharlie Schmitt
Hand Spin: Thurman Hatch (2:18?), Holly Tinsdale, and Ray Taylor
String Pull: David Wimberly (3:44?), Randy Wright, and Frank Ementerio
Approximately 37 with Channel 5 camera man, 1 guest , and 2 guest youth.