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March 8th Lidded Box by Jesse Horn

Jesse demostatied his lidded box using Easy Wood Carbide Tools.

I have been turning wood for over 22 years, beginning with taking my first class on pen turning. During the period of September 2003 through September 2007, I worked for Woodcraft in Oklahoma City, teaching woodturning classes 2-3 times each month. Today, I am conducting woodturning classes for Woodcraft in Oklahoma City, OK, monthly and, in addition providing demonstrations to promote my classes. As an added measure, I have been employed by Easywood Tools to demonstrate their line of carbide tools and accessories to woodworking stores such as Woodcraft and Rockler as well as Woodturning Associations, and the Private Sector. My territory includes Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas. The classes I provide are the basic bowl, peppermills, duck calls, lidded boxes, vases, flowers, Christmas Ornaments (hollowed orbs and natural edge with finials), platters, segmented bowls, ornamental birdhouses, gnomes, and 2-piece hollow forms. I have a small business, and my shop is located in Moore, OK where I produce segmented burial urns, segmented bowls, pens, and I teach small classes. I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to hone my skills with such great woodturners as the late Dale Nish, Bob Fulton, and Carl Jacobson.

J. Paul Fennell Demo and Class

John Adams - 1/20/2025

AboutJ. Paul Fennel 

I have been a woodturner —and intrigued with the process—since 1970. For the most part I am self-taught, and have focused on the expressiveness of hollow forms since the early 1990’s. I presently reside in the beautiful Sonoran Desert, in Scottsdale, Arizona, with a 400 sq. ft. studio, adequate for my needs. I have been a member of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) since 1986 (#297), a former member of the Central New England Woodturners (CNEW) (1987-1994), and a member of the Arizona Woodturners Association (AWA) since 1993. Over the years I have demonstrated at many symposia and local organizations, nationally and internationally. My work resides in numerous private collections, and several museums, including the Smithsonian, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Philadelphia Art Museum, and the Peabody-Essex Museum of Salem, Massachusetts.

International Woodturner J. Paul will be presenting his hollow and preicing forms in a full day demostration April, 12th 2025 starting at 9am to 4pm. 


Gary Olerud Top Turning Area

Made by Jay from an old ford read windsheild.


**Youth Division Winners:**  

1st Place: Abi Bowls  

2nd Place: Charlie Schmitt  

Both competitors created and turned their tops on the lathe. This was Abi's second year competing.  

We challenge all club grandpas to bring their grandkids next year!  

Stay tuned for upcoming top turning events where you can learn how to turn a top.